Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Monday, September 29, 2003
Following Catherine I've composed my own stalker list.
10 people/things/concepts I would stalk if I were an insane stalker
10. K. Silem Mohammad
9. K. Silem Mohammad (If I were insane I'd likely not realize that K. Silem Mohammad is K. Silem Mohammad, hence the duplication).
8. Mayor McCheese
9. Mr. Hot from a while ago (that guy was soooooo hot!)
4. The number 11
3. deductive closure principles (what the hell--I'm already stalking these)
6. a pair of green pants with two thin purple stripes just above the knees.
5. some boysenberries
6. Famous Dave's Barbecue Sauce
8. Ginger from Gilligan's Island
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Jean writes "Ah! A ludic interlude! Ever hear of Kangaroo Boxing? Kasey and Chickee seem to be engaged in a marsupial sparring match. But hey -- what's this "My" Kangaroo bizness???!!"
I just want to come clean: I don't have a kangaroo. Here's how I came to use the word 'my' in connection with a kangaroo. Iwas inspired by Michael MaGee's "My Angie Dickenson." I had intended to start a second blog called "My Captain Kangaroo." Being both very busy and very lazy I decided on a super deluxe good poem instead. Eventually I settled on "My Kangaroo." I apologize to those who have been hurt by my appropriation of an innopcent and unsuspecting fictitious kangaroo. I won't do it again. Coming soon: My thing-that's-not-a-kangaroo. Stay tuned.
Here's another super deluxe good poem.
Twice in the past seven months I had a conversation about eggseedsplant.
The first conversation was predicated on the idea that purple vegevitaminstables were less likely to fly in the future than were green vegetables.
I didn't want to partake of this conversation but I felt compelled as my worthy opponent had called me a Chickeggsen.
After I won the argument I went into my houunderwarese.
I was so happy I bought new sotoescks.
The second convwordsersation was not all that interesting.
We have a new blog of the day! It's K. Silem Mohammad's Limetree. Read his most recent posts to find out what he's done to deserve this high honor.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
My Other Kangaroo
My other kangaroo is a guy named Larry who hides under your car while you're in the mall.
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Here's an extra super deluxe good poem:
My Kangaroo
My kangaroo lives in the zoo that is the intense burning love which dwells deep in the heart of all those worlds which are distinguished by the amount of sacrifice that their inhabitants are willing to make for the common good as defined not by the amount of happiness impartially considered (as utilitarians calculate it) but rather as some sort of metaphysical coefficient of the amount of positive energy produced by actions whose intentions are in accordance with what Marshall McLuhan would not have referred to as "a surrogate sun."
My kangaroo is left-handed.
My kangaroo knows the value of sharing.
My kangaroo is your kangaroo too!
Friday, September 05, 2003
Congratulations to Catherine for winning Kasey's "remember the name of the green cat" contest. In virtue of this great win, Catherine's Porthole Redux has been named Blog O' The Day. Yea!!!!! Hurray, Hurrah, Huzzah!!!!
I almost won. I was going to say that the cat's name was Dimey. I was only off by one letter. Darn.
You may have noticed that I've not been posting much lately. Well, it's because I just don't care. Still, I'm going try to post more in the future (by trying to care more in the future).
Here's a super deluxe good poem, which I hope will motivate me to care more:
Caring More
Caring more is really important
Because that's why it's better to care more
If you don't care more, then the badness of not caring more
Will diminish the amount of not caring more that might
Matter at a futrue time in which you'd wished that you had tried Harder to care more.
Caring more is better than each of the following things:
Scaring more
Faring poor
Baring sore
Dinah Shore
Bathroom doors
Chicken pores
Krispy Smores
and daisys (which, if you think about it, are really terrific).
I think it's working! I'll keep you posted.